Addictions Recovery Inc.

Since 1978

93 Cathedral Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2W 0W7

Office: (204) 586-2550
Fax: (204) 589-8977

Addictions Recovery Inc.

Addictions Recovery Inc. (ARI) is a non-profit, registered charitable organization that offers a safe, affordable, supportive, alcohol and drug free living environment for men in early recovery from substance abuse. ARI provides hope and healing by offering attainable housing and programming to people who would otherwise be homeless or at-risk of homelessness.

ARI operates two second stage recovery homes in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where residents are able to develop the living and coping skills necessary for a successful long-term return to their communities in recovery.


Sustainable Long-term Recovery.


To encourage and strengthen the support system after primary treatment. ARI’s objective is to assist residents in re-establishing their sense of responsibility, self-worth, and personal values to a point where they become strong enough to cope with everyday living without the need to resort to alcohol or drugs.


12-Step Recovery Program:  An essential living program and fellowship to maintain sobriety.

Therapeutic Environment:  Necessary for continued healing and growth.

Identification: All staff are in long term recovery themselves.

Comradery:  Friendliness, goodwill, and familiarity among our residents.

Anonymity: To recover in a discrete and non-judgemental environment.

How: Honesty-Open-mindedness-Willingness.

Addictions Recovery Inc.

Helping you break free
Since 1978
